Theraderm Black Peel Acne Spot

Theraderm Black Peel Acne Spot clear and dry out the acne pimples overnight

Introducing Black Peel Acne Spot by Theraderm

Black Peel Acne Spot is a concentrated solution to clear and dry out the acne pimples overnight. Needs to be applied to the lesion of acne pimple, blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, and cysts at night.

Black Peel Acne Spot Active Ingredients:
Black Acetic Acid, Bio Sulfur, Jasmonic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Potassium iodide, Lactic Acid.

Black Peel Acne Spot Application Technique:
Apply it overnight time on Acne, Pustule, Nodules for 10 Days

Additional Information

Weight 10 g
Volume 10 ml


There is usually no serious side effects associated with Black Peel Acne Spot by Theraderm. Incase, if you still face some difficulty, consult your doctor.


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